Upcoming Events
Player 1 will serve as lead for the foursome, register themself and Players 2-4 with each name, email and shirt size.
Includes four golfers; four gift bags; four premium player gifts; four shirts; 40 raffle tickets; company logo on course flag and lunch.
Silver Foursome – $2,000 Includes four golfers; four gift bag; four shirts; 20 raffle tickets; and lunch.
Includes four golfers; four gift bags; four shirts; and lunch.
Hole Sponsor – $500 Set up a tent at a hole, meet & greet players, provide drinks & snacks.
Flag Sponsor – $200Includes company logo on custom hole flag. You keep the flag.
Raffle Sponsor – $500 Raffle purchased by AFSA-FL presented by your company.
Hotel Accommodations
Omni Orlando Resort at ChampionsGate
$195 Per Night (Includes $5 Resort Fee) | $10 Self Parking
Contact the Reservations Directly at 1800THEOMNI